YES! You Are Living In The MATRIX- The Ego Is No Longer Needed- The Matrix Has No ESCAPE

If you haven’t seen The Matrix then you need to stop what you’re doing and go watch it right now. If you’ve seen it, maybe it’s time to watch it again?

Because this movie will give you a glimpse of The Truth.

-That you are a slave under a system that feeds on your life energy.

-That you have unlimited potential within you, and only your self-imposed limitations and perceptions can stop you from realizing this potential.

-That there’s more to reality than meets the eye,and that it is possible to wake up from this dream world and break free.

-The Matrix as a system of control is very real, and I’m not talking about the movie here. It’s real, and this system has power over:

…your government by controlling the money that controls the economy.

…your world view by controlling the government that controls the educational system that dumbs children down.

…your mind and spirit by controlling the media and entertainment industries that controls what you watch, listen to, and read.

…your body and health by controlling the agricultural and pharmaceutical industries that controls what ends up in your body.

Also: Revelation and Bible Prophecy: An Event That May Leave 290 Million Americans Dead in its Wake!

The question is not if the Matrix exists, or what it is, or even who the owners are. Follow the money to the top of the financial pyramid and you will find the real owners.

To break free, the question we all need to ask ourselves is:

How do I stop feeding the system with my life energy?

As Mahatma Gandhi said in Hind Swaraj:” Many problems can be solved by remembering that money is their God.”

In the western civilization, money is the main object of worship. It is from controlling the money supply that the real owners derive their power, and their state-granted ability to conjure money out of thin air is the only thing keeping their pyramid and the nation state from crumbling.

So don’t feed the system with your money or life energy.

Instead of buying into the materialistic and consumerist way of life where you must upgrade to the newest gadgets or fanciest clothes every year, reduce, reuse, and recycle. Use your phone for however long time frame the industrial designers planned for your gadget to last. Buy used, and if you do buy something new, buy the best quality stuff that will last for years or even lifetimes.

Instead of buying the processed and cancerous food sold in supermarkets and giving your money to global food conglomerates and Monsanto, grow your own vegetables. Get to know the local farmer. Join a growing co-op. Start a community garden. Take control over your food supply.

Instead of drinking Coca-Cola and thus sponsoring their globalist agenda, drink water, or why not get together with a couple of friends (in your local makerspace if you have one) and make your own Open Cola.

Also: What Native Americans Can Teach Us About Using Trees For Survival . .

Instead of taking on an enormous mortgage for a sub-urban house or urban apartment and sentencing yourself to being a debt slave for the rest of your life, consider living smaller, simpler, and more rural. Or who knows, maybe you’d love living in a tiny house on wheels.

Instead of climbing the corporate ladder for 40+ years hoping to retire at 65, set your life up so that you

(1) will never want to retire,

(2) don’t need a retirement income to survive and thrive in your old years.

Because if you’re in your twenties or thirties today then trust me, that retirement income you’re hoping to get from the state in ~40 years, it’s not going to be there.

People are waking up to this truth

They’re realizing that a world has been pulled over their eyes to blind them from the Truth, and more importantly they’re realizing that they are free to create a new world, a better world.

Changing the world all starts with you changing your own life. To quote Gandhi again, “one drowning man will never save another.” You need to save yourself first!

Because by changing your own life you will light up a path for humanity, and people will follow.

You Won’t Believe What’s NEXT? – David Icke Reveals All. . .

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