Untangling the Tribulation Mysteries: Bible Teacher’s Answers VIDEO
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Delve into the eight toughest questions about the tribulation, from signs to the Antichrist’s identity, revealing intriguing insights and dispelling common misconceptions.
Are We in the Tribulation? Exploring the Start of Daniel’s 70th Week
In recent times, the question of whether the tribulation—the prophesied period from the Book of Daniel and Revelation—has begun has been a hot topic among many believers. With events occurring worldwide that seem to hint at biblical prophecies coming to fruition, some argue that the tribulation started on October 2nd. But why doesn’t it feel apocalyptic yet? Let’s delve into eight pressing questions regarding this topic, as explained by Bible teacher Nelson Walters. Whether you are skeptical or convinced, understanding these insights might offer some clarity.
Why Doesn’t It Feel Like the Apocalypse?
Perhaps the most pressing question on everyone’s mind is, “Why doesn’t it feel like the apocalypse if the tribulation has started?” This skepticism isn’t new. Jesus himself prophesied in Matthew 25:1-13 through the Parable of the Ten Virgins that the entire church would be asleep at the start of the end times. According to Walters, the start of the tribulation is supposed to be subtle, like any other day, and not marked by obvious catastrophic events.
What Evidence Suggests the Tribulation Started?
To better understand why Walters puts forth that the tribulation began on October 2nd, we need to consider the signs and scriptures he references.
Daniel 9:27 and Revelation 6:1-2
Daniel 9:27 speaks of a “secular Covenant” agreed to, and recently, a notable Covenant was entered into by 192 United Nations, seemingly designed to impose a false peace on Israel. Revelation 6:1-2 introduces the ride of the white horseman, symbolic of this false peace. Walters argues that these alignments indicate the beginning of the tribulation.
Hurricane Helen and Other Signs
God’s reaction, according to Walters, was marked by Hurricane Helen devastating the USA, similar in mode to Hurricane Katrina after the Gaza Strip evacuation in 2005. Furthermore, there were significant celestial signs—a comet, supernova, and solar eclipse happening on the Feast of Trumpets—aligning with other past end-time markers.
Where Is the Antichrist?
Another burning question is, “Where is the Antichrist?” Walters explains that the Antichrist doesn’t need to directly make the Covenant. The Hebrew word “gabar,” used in this context, means to cause a Covenant to prevail. Hence, the Antichrist can influence from behind the scenes without being overtly visible. According to 2 Thessalonians 2:3-6, the Antichrist will not be revealed until he sits in the temple of God, an event that will take place at the midpoint of the tribulation.
Absence of the Third Temple and Daily Sacrifices
Critics also point out the absence of the Third Temple and daily sacrifices as evidence that the tribulation hasn’t begun. Walters argues that these are not prerequisites for the start but must be in place before the midpoint of the tribulation. Thus, the absence of these elements does not invalidate the claim that the tribulation has started.
The Pre-Tribulation Rapture Theory
A popular belief is the pre-tribulation rapture, where believers are taken up before the tribulation’s onset. The question then is, “Why are we still here?” Walters emphasizes that relying on rapture theories can be dangerous. In Jesus’ Parable of the Ten Virgins, 50% of those waiting for Jesus fell away due to a lack of preparedness. Regardless of rapture theories, Walters suggests preparing for the tribulation is wise.
Recognizing the Great Tribulation and the Day of the Lord
Another point of confusion is the difference between the start of the tribulation, the Great Tribulation, and the Day of the Lord. The Great Tribulation starts after the abomination of desolation at the midpoint when the Antichrist declares himself God. The Day of the Lord begins at the Sixth Seal in Revelation, likely in the tribulation’s sixth year. Walters clarifies that not recognizing these distinctions can lead to misconceptions about the timing of events.
Why Aren’t More Scholars and Leaders Acknowledging This?
One question many have is, “Why don’t more scholars and religious leaders acknowledge these signs?” Walters refers back to the parable, suggesting that most are metaphorically asleep. However, he points out Dr. Steve Taylor, a PhD who has come to similar conclusions and has presented his findings to supportive theological review committees. This indicates that recognition of these signs isn’t entirely absent among scholars.
What About Israel?
Finally, the significance of Israel in all of this is paramount. Daniel’s 70 weeks are about Israel, and the current Covenant aims to divide Israel for a two-state solution, giving the UN authority to enforce it. This process is expected to unfold in the upcoming months, showing that the international community has both the intention and power to implement this Covenant.
The notion that the tribulation has begun may seem Brash, but the evidence provided by Nelson Walters is compelling. From scriptural alignments to significant global events, there’s a case to be made for reevaluating our understanding of these times. Whether you are skeptical or open to the idea, it’s essential to stay informed, prepared, and diligent in interpreting these events through a biblical lens. After all, as Walters suggests, acknowledging the possibility and preparing accordingly could make all the difference.
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I’m a 33-year-old writer and the founder of World Reports Today. Driven by the timeless principles of democracy and freedom of speech, I use my platform and my writing to amplify the voices of those who uphold these ideals and to spark meaningful conversations about the issues that truly matter.