Globalists Readying Their Next Round Of ‘Human Extermination’ As WHO & UN To Agree On ‘New Political Declaration On Pandemics’ This Week And It’s A Horror Show

Globalists Readying Their Next Round Of ‘Human Extermination’ As WHO & UN To Agree On ‘New Political Declaration On Pandemics’ This Week And It’s A Horror Show

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According to the September 13th story over at globalist talking heads The Economist titled “How to get ready for the end of the world,” with a subtitle of “Britain’s latest risk register anticipates the apocalypse in detail, the highest scoring ‘threat factor’ going forward is, you guessed it, a new “Pandemic.” With that globalist run outlet again tying together “Pandemic” with “End of the World” in their readers minds, we shouldn’t be at all surprised as they push for the next round of lockdowns, masks and what we all know now to be ‘lethal‘ injections.

That story coming out just as we come into a fall season here in America of CDC Director Mandy Cohen publicly recommending a new COVID vax for everyone over the age of 6 months, claiming the decision was based on extensive data and clinical trials, as Dr. Simone Gold bluntly warns us in this recent tweet, “Pfizer’s latest recently received approval based on a study involving 10 mice. It has no efficacy data available and was not tested on humans in the data set.” While “Moderna’s newest had a two-week trial with 50 people, resulting in one adverse event requiring medical attention. No additional information was included on the adverse event.”

So while in the cases of nearly every other ‘vaccine‘ that has been rolled out in America through history, those ‘vaccines’ took years, if not decades or even centuries, to develop and test on human beings before being released (though many would argue that none has ever been released safely as they’ve all come with a trail of death!), once again they’re rolling out mostly untested new ‘products‘ to help ‘big pharma‘ and ‘big govt‘ rake in even more money, while killing off even more previously young and healthy Americans and people worldwide, and this is going on while the United Nations and World Health Organization are set to agree on a new political declaration on pandemics this coming Wednesday.

Meaning more global government is being rolled out right before our eyes, featuring more medical tyranny as the globalists seek to keep their boots stamping upon our human faces forever, we can see they’re set to get even greater resistance this time around as ‘We the People‘ simply “DO NOT COMPLY!” Because as Dr. David Bells bluntly warns us in this new story over at the Daily Skeptic, this new UN/WHO ‘power grab’ is nothing less than a horror show.

And with that ‘horror show‘ seen in stories such as the state of New York attempting to ‘get powers‘ to throw people, against their wishes, into what they’re trying to call ‘quarantine camps,’ as well as public hospitals once again pushing for draconian required vaxxing for their employees, with refusal to accept the vaxxes resulting in unpaid leave and possible terminations, we’re witnessing what happens when people in high places don’t learn their lessons the first time around, with the definition of insanity “doing the same thing over and over and over again, but expecting different results.”  From Dr. Simone Gold’s recent tweet.:

White House COVID coordinator Dr. Ashish Jha and CDC head Mandy Cohen have claimed the new vaccine reduces hospitalizations, long COVID and the likelihood you will spread COVID. However, none of these claims have any scientific data or proof. These parameters weren’t even tested. 

With such little safety testing and medical data, how could the US government not only approve these new vaccines, but recommend them for everyone 6 months and older? 

This is shockingly dangerous.

ANP Emergency Fundraiser: The globalists war on ANP is all part of the globalists ‘Big Tech’ effort to silence conservative and independent voices, allowing them to maintain a monopoly on the flow of information. As George Orwell made clear to us decades ago, “The further a society drifts from the truth, the more they will hate those who speak it.” But, with your amazing help, we at ANP promise to keep ‘speaking truth to power’ because, as Orwell also reminded us, “If liberty means anything at all it means the right to tell people what they do not want to hear.” 

With ANP reporting the last several years on the moves being made by the World Health Organization towards establishing a ‘global government’ and a full-scale medical tyranny, we’re witnessing the next moves being made towards just that this week as on Wednesday, September 20th, representatives meeting at the United Nations will sign off on a ‘Declaration’ titled: ‘Political Declaration of the United Nations General Assembly High-level Meeting on Pandemic Prevention, Preparedness and Response.’ 

Announced by the UN as being a “silent procedure”, meaning “States not responding will be deemed supporters of the text,” we’ve gone ahead and embedded that entire 13-page document for you to read at the very bottom of this story and as you’ll see, it’s another attempt by the globalists to sugar-coat medical tyranny.

And while doing so, the United Nations and World Health Organization go after anyone who questions their tyranny, characterizing ‘skepticism‘ as “health-related misinformation, disinformation, hate speech and stigmatization”  and as this Daily Sceptic story reports, as seen in this attached tweet also seen in the image above, the WHO recently publicly characterized people who discuss adverse effects of Covid vaccines and question WHO policies as “far-Right”, “anti-science aggressors” and “a killing force”. Get that! Anyone who questions THEM carrying out ‘GENOCIDE’ is a ‘killing force!’  Another perfect example of how ‘truth’ has been flipped on its head. From this Daily Sceptic story.:

The main aim of the Declaration is to back the proposed WHO International Health Regulation (IHR) amendments and treaty (PP26), key to ensuring that viral outbreaks that have such small impact can remain highly profitable. An additional $10 billion dollars per year in new financing is requested to support this (PP29). There is a reason why most countries have laws against scams. The UN and its agencies, fortunately for its staff, are outside of any national jurisdiction. 

Based on their sponsors’ assessments, the staff of these agencies are doing their job well. For the rest of humanity, their work is an unmitigated disaster. In 2019 they said never lock down, then spent 2020 defending top-down lockdowns and mandates. For three years, they theatrically pretended that decades of knowledge on immunity, disease burden and the association of poverty with mortality did not exist. Now they write this UN Declaration to fund their industry further through taxpayers they so recently impoverished. Once tasked to serve the world’s vast populations, particularly the poor and vulnerable, the UN vision has been consumed by public private partnerships, the allure of Davos and a fascination with high-net-worth individuals. 

Through the IHR amendments, these agencies will coordinate the locking down, border closures, mandated medical examinations and vaccination of you and your family. Their Pharma sponsors reasonably expect to make several hundred billion more dollars from these actions, so we can be confident that emergencies will be declared. By claiming 100 such events annually in Africa alone, they are signaling how these new powers will be used. We are to believe the world is such that only the abandonment of our rights and sovereignty, for the enrichment of others, can save us.

Then warning us about how the WHO has termed ‘anti-vaccine activism‘ as a ‘major killing force globally,’ take note that the UN and WHO will NEVER address the millions of people who’ve been killed by ‘the vax’ or all of the ‘turbo cancers’ that have emerged since the ‘kill shot’ was rolled out, because to do so would set themselves up to be investigated for carrying out genocide, as Dr. David Bell warned in his story, labeling anti-vaxxers as a ‘killing force‘ is completely unhinged.:

It is the denigration and hate speech that fascist regimes use. The reader must decide whether such an organization should control his or her freedom of expression and decide what constitutes truth.

And with the Daily Mail recently publishing this story showing us the direction we’re now being herded, reporting there will soon be a ‘covid vaccine PILL‘ that people can take to avoid getting ‘the shot,‘ a ‘pill‘ that will miraculously KILL the ‘virus‘ before it has the chance to ‘infect‘ you, we see the never-ending chain of events being brewed up for us of ‘problem, reaction, solution‘, anything to ‘make big bucks‘ for ‘big pharma‘ while working on the globalists problem of ‘overpopulation‘ the best way they know how.

As two recent stories over at The Expose that Steve Quayle had linked to on his website on Sunday had reported, not only have 9 in every 10 COVID Deaths over the last year been among the Fully/Triple Vaccinated, proving how lethal the ‘vax‘ has been to those who were either counting upon it or were forced to get it to keep their jobs, but as this 2nd story titled “Apocalyptic Catastrophe Awaits: Leaked Pfizer Data & Death Rates Solidify Deagel’s Terrifying 2025 Depopulation Prediction” confirms, the staggering number of ‘excess deaths‘ in the UK, America and all across the world could have only been caused by the ‘kill shot’.

And the fact that a group that had heavy ties to the ‘deep state’ for years and years, including the CIA, the US Department of Defense, the US Department of State, the World Bank and various other ‘characters,’ had PREDICTED years ago a ‘mass culling of humanity‘ would occur by the year 2025 had tied in perfectly with the globalists ‘depopulation agenda,‘: They truly believed in their insane minds that they had to get the planets population down to below 1 billion people, meaning over 7 billion people ‘had to go‘.

So with The Economist putting out that story ‘How to get ready for the end of the world,‘ and blaming another ‘pandemic‘ as being the most likely cause of such a horrific global fate, at the same time as the United Nations and World Health Organization are holding major new meetings on how to prepare for the next ‘scamdemic,‘ clearly not learning one lesson at all from the last one, we can only pray that Americans and people all across the planet will simply not fall for it all again and will take their own health into their own hands, as Mike Adams of Natural News warns us in the 1st video below, the entire ‘mainstream media apparatus‘ is now lying to us all about FDA ‘approval‘ for this latest vax.

And with all of the people here in the US and all across the planet who’ve ‘died suddenly‘ following their COVID injections, and the astonishing number of ‘turbo cancers‘ that are suddenly striking previously healthy, young people down, as we hear in the 2nd video below, all of these ‘big pharma-related corporations and organizations’ are quite literally demanding that the American people sacrifice their children for their untested products, nothing less than ‘depopulation‘ being carried out before our eyes.

And in the final, must-watch video below, we get 4 1/2 minutes of proof how ‘the vax’ being forced upon everyone is eerily similar to livestock being branded, complete with words directly from the mouths of globalists such as Bill Gates on why he believes its critical to get ‘the vax’ to every child in the entire world. And the video concludes with: “Thus no  one was allowed to buy or sell things unless he bore the mark of the beast.” Apocalypse of John – 13:17.  DO NOT COMPLY!

By Stefan Stanford – All News Pipeline – Live Free Or Die

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