Gitmo Military Tribunals: The U.S. Military Continues Operations of “Extracting” the Members of Kabbalah

Mike Pence

Former Vice President Mike Pence took a bullet to the chest on April 14 as he and an unidentified male companion tried to elude U.S. Special Forces that had been tasked with apprehending him under terms described in a sealed indictment. The formal charges were drafted after Pence helped Deep State operatives legitimize Biden’s presidency at the January 6 Electoral College certification and after Trump had obtained irrefutable evidence linking Pence to a plot to topple him.

As reported previously, the first attempt to capture Pence had taken place on March 4 when U.S. Special Forces surrounded a remote cabin in the Indiana wilderness where Pence was believed to be hiding. Apparently tipped off to the incursion, Pence absconded into the woods minutes before Special Forces stormed the cabin. He vanished in the shadows and managed to elude capture for over a month.

On April 14, the MSM reported that Pence underwent surgery to have a pacemaker implanted at Inova Fairfax Medical Campus in Church Falls, Va. That tale, however, is a cover story meant to obfuscate an encounter that nearly ended Pence’s life, said a confidential source involved in Trump’s war on the Deep State. On December 6th and January 6th , President Trump’s Words Shook the World. . . Watch the video below:

On April 13, Trump and the U.S. military received credible tips suggesting that Pence and an unknown companion were holed up at the Commonwealth Hotel in Richmond, Va. Pence purportedly possessed classified military documents he had stolen from the White House prior to Jan 20.

“I don’t know the nature of the material, but it’s believed Pence intended to smuggle it to Biden. Trump got confirmation that Pence was indeed at the hotel, and he notified the military immediately. He wasn’t’ going to let Pence get away again.”

On the morning of April 14 Special Forces, donned in civilian and hotel staff attire, staked out the hotel and confirmed through staff that a man matching Pence’s description and an Asian man in his mid-20s had checked in on the 12th.

“Special Forces split into groups. Some stayed in the lobby while others went upstairs. One soldier said he was room service, then heard what he called panicked voices from inside. He’d obtained a master key, you know, those credit card-looking things that unlock doors, and burst in the room. Pence and the other guy were both wearing bathrobes. The Asian guy grabbed a silenced pistol from a night table and fired, but the shot went wide,” our source said.

Related: Guantanamo Bay Detention Camp: Arrests, Indictments and Executions for Thousands of New Ex-Elite Prisoners – Official Documents

Special Forces returned fire, killing the Asian man and grievously wounding former VP Pence.

Gasping for air with his hands clasped over a sucking chest wound, Pence reportedly apologized for having betrayed Donald J. Trump, saying with what he must have thought would be his last breath, “Tell Donald I’m sorry. They made me do it.”

“The dead guy and Pence were quickly taken from the hotel. After consulting Trump, Pence was airlifted to the hospital. As he fought for his life, Trump and his people began cooking up a cover story to avoid a media circus. It was generally known that Pence had heart trouble, and they went with the pacemaker story. If he died, they would have said he died due to surgical complications. After he was out of the woods, he got a telephone call in the hospital from Trump,” our source said.

Trump gave Pence an ultimatum: either sign a written confession naming his Deep State co-conspirators and agree to wear a monitoring anklet while JAG decides whether to send him before a military tribunal or have his crimes at once laid bare to the American public, including evidence of him cavorting with young men.

“An agreement was reached,” our source said. “Pence said the Asian guy was a bodyguard named Xao, but his identity couldn’t be confirmed. He had no fingerprints. He’d dipped his fingers in acid. No dental records, either—he had full implants. And a search of the National Facial Recognition Database gave no results,” our source said.

Hotel Staff were sworn to silence, as were several guests who witnessed the grisly scene, told that disclosure would violate the National Secrecy Act.

James Comey

The U.S. military has arrested disgraced former FBI Director James Comey on charges of treason, sedition, obstruction of justice, and aiding and abetting persons actively involved in criminal behavior, Real Raw News has learned.

Donald J. Trump greenlit the Tuesday morning raid on Comey’s lavish, suburban home after speaking to Marine Corps Col. John Lynch, commanding officer of the Marine Raider regiment at Camp Lejeune, North Carolina. Col. Lynch committed at least two 4-man squads to the mission, said a confidential source involved in Trump’s quest to depose Joseph Biden and restore America to the people.

On Tuesday at about 3:00 a.m., U.S. Marines operating on Donald Trump’s authority stormed Comey’s seven-bedroom, 10,700-sqaure-foot mansion in McClean, Virginia. Although most operational details are classified, our source said Raiders surprised Comey, who was half-asleep in bed, and apprehended him after he reached for a pistol underneath a pillow. Before he could palm the weapon, a Marine charged forward and struck Comey’s forehead with the butt of his rifle, rendering Comey unconscious.

“Trump’s people had digital surveillance on the Comey residence for quite a long time. They knew Comey’s wife, Patrice, would be out of town on personal business, and none of the kids would be around visiting. Trump’s been anticipating this moment a long time; it’s a day of reckoning,” our source said.

»»» Welcome To Guantanamo Bay – Home Sweet Home !

Trump, our source added, had authored a sealed indictment on Comey shortly after firing him on May 9, 2017. He had obtained irrefutable evidence proving that Comey, an Obama holdover, had been on Clinton’s payroll and, on her authority, tried to slander the president by linking the Trump campaign to Russian interference in the 2016 election. Moreover, Trump had obtained a 2015 audio recording in which Comey told Hillary Clinton he would “do whatever it takes, no matter what” to scuttle Trump’s bid for the presidency. Additionally, Trump learned that Comey’s faux investigation into Clinton’s handling of confidential emails was merely for effect, optics to avoid the appearance of impropriety and bias.

“Comey is criminal scum. He doesn’t have a modicum of decency. Trump also has the goods on him for wiretapping Trump Tower. Comey’s been taken to a secure holding pending transportation to GITMO, where he’ll face a military tribunal. One thing that’ll come out is that when Comey got hold of Anthony Weiner’s laptop, he found videos of Huma Abedin and Hillary Clinton doing some pretty terrible things to kids. Comey kept that info from the public, probably at Clinton’s request,” our source said.

In closing, we asked our source why, with so many arrests dropping, family and friends of the accused haven’t complained to CNN or MSNBC about their loved ones being abducted in the dead of night.

“The only explanation is the Deep State is keeping them silent,” our source said. “If it became officially known that people like Clinton, Podesta, Abedin, and now Comey have been nabbed by the military, it would weaken the Deep State’s hold on society—because it would show they are losing. And the Deep Staters always want to give the appearance of winning. They won’t be able to for much longer.”

Nancy Pelosi

U.S. military assets have fudged a covert mission to apprehend House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, arresting instead a Pelosi doppelganger donning a lifelike mask that mimicked every hideous detail of Pelosi’s face, right down to the most deeply engrained wrinkles.

A confidential source involved in Trump’s war on the Deep State told RRN that the U.S. Navy Judge Advocate General’s Corps on Monday opened a sealed indictment which Donald Trump and acting AG Jeffrey Rosen had authored toward the end of Trump’s term. Trump, our source said, had given JAG the document, with instructions to unseal it once the military had completed its investigation on Pelosi and corroborated a vast list of charges that include treason and sedition.

On Monday, May 3 JAG honcho Vice Adm. John G. Hannink coordinated the arrest with Marine Corps General Gary “Lurch” Thomas, and they picked, what our source called, a Marine reconnaissance squad for the operation.

“The Marines began surveillance on Pelosi’s San Francisco home on Tuesday. They used parabolic microphones and optical gear to keep tabs on her, and they followed her to and from her house for two days, keeping track of her schedule to make sure they’d grab her when no one else was around. Her husband was out of town on business for the week, so it was the perfect time,” our source said.

Related: List of Indictments, Arrests and Executions – Dismantling the Deep State Operatives and Doubles

The Marines, he added, grabbed “Pelosi” whilst she stepped outside to check her mailbox Thursday evening. They zip tied her, gagged her, and tossed her into an unmarked van. Within minutes, as the van sped toward a clandestine safehouse, they realized they’d been duped.

“The woman looked like Pelosi, same face, same measurements, heck a nearly identical voice. But as she struggled, the Marines realized this woman, who apparently is much younger in reality than Pelosi is, had a prosthetic Pelosi mask that covered her entire head, hair and all. It was Hollywood perfection,” our source said.

Realistic masks are common in the film industry and are typically made of polyurethane and silicone.

The Pelosi imposter, our source said, carried duplicates of Pelosi’s drivers license and library card, which the Marines found when they frisked and searched her. She refused to answer questions, saying only that she was an actress hired by Pelosi.

“She refused to identify herself. I don’t think they’ve cut her loose yet. Trump wants answers,” our source said.

In closing, our source said he believes the real Nancy Pelosi was tipped off and vanished into the shadows, there to dwell while the military hunts an unknown number of carbon copies.

“The Deep State is taking drastic action to protect its own,” our source said. “They don’t want what happened to Hillary Clinton to happen to them.”

Anthony Fauci

Donald J. Trump and the U.S. military have expressed unease over Dr. Anthony Fauci’s recent real estate acquisitions in the United Kingdom, Argentina, and Panama, heightening concerns that the Deep State doctor might flee the country ahead of being served an arrest warrant for crimes committed against America and its people.

As reported previously, Fauci, certainly no pauper, has netted at least $9,000,000 from Covid-19 vaccination sales, and a substantial part of that illicitly earned income went toward the purchase of overseas properties. All three were purchased in his wife’s name—Christine Grady—via Sotheby’s International Realty Agency, which brokers transcontinental deals for the rich and powerful. Curiously, all three parcels were bought in the first quarter of 2021, after news of his indictment began circulating among alternative news outlets.

Reference: This Secret Ancient Japanese Tonic Recipe Will Help You Melts 54 LBS Of Fat. Watch the video below:

Sources involved in Trump’s efforts to bring the Deep Sate to justice told Real Raw News that the military has delayed arresting Fauci due to his current degree of public exposure, appearing almost hourly on syndicated MSM broadcasts. Like many of his Plandemic co-conspirators, Fauci gives interviews virtually from home, in what appears to be the home office inside his northwest D.C. townhouse. However, Fauci’s official residence “went dark” in early February, according to military sources who had the residence under constant surveillance.

“The Deep State has obviously set the bastard up with dens made to look like his home where he broadcasts from. Only one reason to do this. Because he knows his time is short. When he’s in public, which rarely happens, he’s always encircled by an entourage of Fauci fans. The people who fawn over him like he’s Jesus Christ,” our source said.

Asked whether the military is considering grabbing Fauci sooner than later, our source said the following: “All I can say is the military is making careful considerations now that it knows Fauci has property in other countries.”

The military, he added, perceives the purchases as a harbinger of Fauci’s desire to escape a military tribunal. The charges against the Deep State doctor are certainly damning–mass medical malpractice resulting in the needless deaths of 500,000 Americans. Not to mention treason and aiding and abetting the CCP.

“Fauci thinks he’s untouchable. He’s not. If his family, and that means his daughters, too, are complicit, then they’ll face justice. The military knows Fauci had a hand in financing the lab from which the virus was let loose. His days are numbered, mark my words,” our source said.

Even if Fauci successfully absconds to a foreign country, Donald J. Trump and the military will retrieve him, regardless of valid extradition treaties, our source added.

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