Fact or Fiction? What History Really Tells Us About the Holocaust
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This article presents a range of perspectives and controversial claims that have circulated over time regarding the historical events of the Holocaust. We do not necessarily endorse the accuracy of these statements; however, we believe it is essential to present all information to encourage readers to conduct their own research and draw their own conclusions based on reliable sources and objective analyses. In such a sensitive area, an informed and respectful approach to historical truths is crucial.
1. The Red Cross inspected Auschwitz in 1944 and found no evidence it was an extermination camp.
2. In 1988, American execution expert Fred Leuchter examined the “gas chambers” at Auschwitz, and had the walls chemically tested for Zyklon B residue. The test were negative.
3. Alan Turing and British intelligence had cracked the German Enigma Code 1942. Meaning they could intercept and read German messages at Auschwitz when spying. They recorded no evidence of Auschwitz being a death camp.
4. The CIA was spying on German camps in the 1940’s and did take aerial photographs. There is no evidence from these photographs or their reports that these camps were “death camps” The labels on these photos were added decades later.
5. Paul Rassinier, was French socialist who was also put in “death camp” at Buchenwald. He wrote a few books on his experiences but he was considered a Holocaust denier even though he was a camp survivor… why? His version of the facts didn’t fit the narrative. He claimed the death camp allegations were incredibly exaggerated, and that while being a camp was a horrendous experience, it was not what is being sold today.
6. There is no document or official order found anywhere in Nazi or SS communications about a “final solution” to eliminate the Jews. Decades ago historian David Irving challenged anyone to find such a document with the reward of 1k pounds. No one has ever succeeded.
7. There was a simming pool at Auschwitz, a maternity ward, a hospital, and lots of forensic reports of the use of Zyklon B in the prisoner rooms. No not for extermination but for the purpose of keeping the prisoners alive. This was used as a means to eliminate lice and keep the spread of Typhus under control. Among those SS communications, there are internal reports about keeping the death of the inmates down, and discussion on how to fix the problems.
8. The only “death camps” ever discovered were on the Soviet captured side of Germany post WW2. Meaning you have to trust the Soviet communist version of history in order to believe the official narrative.
9. One of the initial “death tolls” from the Soviet camp of Majdanek has been reduced from 2 million to 78k…. That’s quite the revision! And many question the accuracy of that 78k figure based on historical records.
10. At the height of the Covid Epidemic, some New York crematoriums were working overtime and able to cremate up to 15 bodies a day! Obviously you don’t have to be a math whiz to figure out that 80 years ago, the Germans would not have been able to do this faster, and it would have taken roughly 69 years to gas and cremate all the alleged victims if they were to actually do it.
11. Didn’t the allies find tons dead bodies on the camps they liberated? Yes. No one is saying people didn’t die. The reality is Germany was fighting a 2 front war, running out of fuel, food and resources, and Typhus was spreading through many of these camps. However there is no physical evidence these were extermination camps used for the purpose of killing Jews. Why would the Germans wait until the middle of a 2 front war to do this? Hitler came to power in 1933. Hitler also signed the Haavara agreement with the Zionist leadership in 1933. This plan was a coordinated effort to relocate the Jews from Germany to Palestine and satisfy both parties. If Hitler wanted to kill all the Jews, why did the Zionist work with him? And why did he sign this agreement?
12. Aren’t all the people that have questioned the official narrative of the holocaust wackos and Nazis? No not at all. Germar Rudolf- is a chemist who graduated from the prestigious max plank institute Fred Leuchter- is an American execution expert with multiple patents to his name. David Irving- is British historian who was lauded by the masses when his first books were released, and his ability to go through many first hand documents, only to later be destroyed by the mainstream press when he came across these uncomfortable facts. Arthur Butz- is an MIT graduate and has been a college professor at northwestern for decades. His definitive book “the hoax of the 20th century” still holds up even though it was published in the 70’s. Many of these men have served prison time for these statements. They have not changed their beliefs or reports.
13. But I’ve seen lots of movies and read books about eyewitness testimony!? Some people have a hard time believing this, but Hollywood is not history. It is story telling. Even further most of these stories are based on “historical fiction” meaning the story can be completely made up as long as a few facts are found.
14. There have been countless stories of “Holocaust survivors” later exposed as frauds. While this technically doesn’t disprove the official narrative, it’s does provide a lens of the possibilities. Because virtually all the Holocaust stories are based on eyewitness testimony, and not physical evidence, it provides an easy window for anyone to make up these claims. In fact many eyewitness testimonies do not correspond to the physical evidence at all. Some witnesses describe bodies being black and blue after being hit with Zyklon B, however a person gassed with Zyklon B soul have a red/pink body in the aftermath.
15. If the office story really was a fraud, the people in control of the media would have to maintain the story for decades, and they would have to make it illegal to question in most of the western world…. Which they have. Ultimately you have to determine if the physical evidence is real, or if the eye witness testimony is real. Are they jailing people because they are wrong, or because they are right? Is it possible that Jews would lie about this in mass? It says specifically in their holly book the Talmud, they can lie to gentiles. Is it also strange that Protestant leader Martin Luther wrote a book called “on the Jews and their lies” in 1543. He tried desperately to convert them to Christianity but ultimately discovered it was hopeless and wrote about their behavior. You know the media is lying to you. You know the history books are lies. Have you figured out who is doing the lying?
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I’m a 33-year-old writer and the founder of World Reports Today. Driven by the timeless principles of democracy and freedom of speech, I use my platform and my writing to amplify the voices of those who uphold these ideals and to spark meaningful conversations about the issues that truly matter.