Epstein Flight Logs – Hollywood Illuminati Satanic Cult – Sent Them all To GITMO!

Epstein Flight Logs – Hollywood Illuminati Satanic Cult – Sent Them all To GITMO!

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BOMBSHELL! List of Hollywood Pedo-Names – Pedophilia – CIA and Mossad – Child Trafficking in America | Sickening Hillary Clinton Sex Tape | List of Indictments, Arrests and Executions – Dismantling the Deep State Operatives and Doubles:

Here is a full list of people who are being actively investigated for crimes against children. Many say that arrests have already taken place but no one can confirm this. Something to ask yourself as you review this list…. if these were false allegations, wouldn’t someone have stepped up by now?

With all the money they have, wouldn’t someone have filed a lawsuit for slander by now? It makes you wonder. What is really sad is that anyone who becomes famous becomes a target.

Some are born into this secret society, some are sold into it by their parents, some are drugged and blackmailed, others are rewarded for participation in the cult by getting leading roles in movies. It’s anyone’s guess as to the specific story for each actor. May God have mercy on their souls…

Read the full article HERE: https://amg-news.com/bombshell-list-of-hollywood-pedo-names-pedophilia-cia-and-mossad-child-trafficking-in-america-sickening-hillary-clinton-sex-tape-list-of-indictments-arrests-and-exe/

Warning: Graphic Content – Satanic Elite Exposed Marina Abramović Dinner Rituals | Perverse Sexual and Cannibalistic Rituals

If you are not convinced satanic sex cults are operating through out our society and right under our noses, let me introduce you to Marina Abramovic, a 75 year old Serbian performance artist, that claims to test the limits of the human body.

Mock Cannibalism – Spirit Cooking

In the WikiLeaks Podesta Emails, there is email 15893 which refers to a “Spirit Cooking dinner”, the so-called “artist” Marina Abramovic is talking to Tony Podesta about, and hoping to know if his brother John Podesta is coming to.

The Spirit Cooking dinner being refereed to is the famous one you might have seen where people are scooping up mock-blood liquids from naked people lying in mock-blood baths, apparently molasses (but I’m not sure if there wasn’t anything else mixed in). She has used real blood in her “art” before, as you will see. You can see Lady Gaga enjoying her lick of red liquid that was scraped off a naked women that imitates a cannibalistic ritual.

Read the full article HERE: https://amg-news.com/satanic-elite-exposed-marina-abramovic-dinner-rituals-perverse-sexual-and-cannibalistic-rituals/

PizzaGate The Pedophile Scandal of The American Elites: Hillary Clinton, Barack Hussein Obama, John and Tony Podesta … The List Would Be Endless

Pizzagate is the term given to the flow of news and revelations about a possible network of pedophiles that operated in Washington through symbols and keywords within a couple of family pizzerias. In this article we will cover many details about this accusation of child abuse.

When researchers from Reddit and 4Chan began to delve into the subject of Podesta’s leaked emails, they found something a little strange. Strange references to pizza, ping pong, and a small establishment in northwest Washington DC called Comet Ping Pong.

It turns out that within the thousands of Podesta emails that left Hillary Clinton in a bad position in handling the situation in Libya and Syria when she was Secretary of State of the Obama administration, there were also strange emails in which words and words were persistently repeated. phrases that seemed to have no meaning, or contextual meaning.

Only when it was understood that there was a code language in the words of the same, it was possible to measure what was being said in those emails. Podesta and his perverted friends talked about child abuse with an encrypted language that has been widely used in pedophile circles on the Internet for years.

Also: List of Indictments, Arrests and Executions – Dismantling the Deep State Operatives and Doubles. 

They substitute words related to pedophilia with “innocent” words, some related to fast foods and related ingredients such as “pizza”, “hodotgs”, “masa”, “salsa”, “queso” or more exotic things like “Nuez” or “bandanas” ” of colors”.

Read the full article HERE: https://amg-news.com/pizzagate-the-pedophile-scandal-of-the-american-elites-hillary-clinton-barack-hussein-obama-john-and-tony-podesta-britney-spears-lindsey-lohan-justine-bieber-miley-cyrus-the-list-woul/

Jeffrey Epstein’s Lolita Express to Pedo Island Flight – The Horrors of Jeffrey Epstein’s Island:

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