Breaking the Illusion: The Hero’s Journey in The Truman Show – A Quest for Truth and Freedom

Breaking the Illusion The Hero’s Journey in The Truman Show – A Quest for Truth and Freedom
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Breaking the Illusion: The Hero’s Journey in The Truman Show – A Quest for Truth and Freedom

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An in-depth look at The Truman Show (1998), exploring Truman Burbank’s journey from a manufactured reality to enlightenment, filled with symbolism, mythology, and the universal quest for truth and freedom.

In the the 1998 classic “The Truman Show”, Truman Burbank, who was given up at birth after an unwanted pregnancy, was adopted by a Movie Studio and, since his birth has UNKNOWINGLY been the “Star” of a Studio-Produced REALITY SHOW.

Tuman is trapped in a staged, enclosed world of Seahaven where all of the people around him including neighbors, wife and best friend are actors and, without Truman’s knowledge, every aspect of his life has been filmed and broadcasted including his birth, first step, etc.

Tuman is trapped in a staged, enclosed world of Seahaven where all of the people around him including neighbors, wife and best friend are actors and, without Truman’s knowledge, every aspect of his life has been filmed and broadcasted including his birth, first step, etc.

The Show’s Producer is named CHRISTOF or “OF CHRIST”. Christof is “The Truman Show””s Director, Producer, Jailer and Architect. He is Truman’s Warden and “God”. Albeit, a FALSE GOD, the Demiurge, the Great Architect of Truman’s Universe, Seahaven.

At one point, Christof says, “I am the Creator – of a television show that gives hope and joy and inspiration to millions.”

Early in Truman’s Life, he met and fell in love with another cast member, Sylvia who played background actress Lauren, who tried to tell him the TRUTH.

But, of course, Christof sent an actor who impersonated Lauren’s father and took her away.

Never to be seen again but Truman never forget Sylvia. Sylvia represents the Kabbalistic Shekhinah, the divine feminine presence that seeks to guide and awaken the soul.

Truman begins to question his manufactured reality. His (pre-selected) wife, Meryl, tries to sneakly read ADVERTS while talking to Truman and Truman knows that something is not right. Everything is just too PERFECT. He is beginning to WAKE UP from the Illusion (MAYA).

At one point, a Light Cannister from the Show’s Production falls from the sky like a falling star, almost hitting Truman, the Cannister is marked SIRIUS. Directly afterward, a large DOG, man’s best friend, jumps on Truman on his hind legs. The Dog appears to be acting oddly.

Sirius is known as the DOG Star or Orion’s Dog. It is called the Great Dog and is often shown on Star Maps on it’s Hind Legs leaning on Argo Navis (The SHIP! Remember this!). Dog spelled Backward is GOD. This whole scene is a sign from the True God, not the Demiurgic Christof.

Truman, who is no different than a prisoner with little to no actual Free Will, has begun the Hero’s Journey, the Mason’s Journey to Spiritual Enlightenment. Sirius is, also, known as the Star of Iniatation. Truman’s Iniatation into the TRUTH has begun, a Sign from the GOD STAR.

In Albert Pike’s Morals and Dogma, Pike writes: “Sirius still glitters in our Lodges as the Blazing Star.”

According to Pike, it was originally identified with not only Sirius, but the Egyptian Jackal-Headed god Anubis, guardian, and guide of souls (Psychopomp).


As according to Macrobius, the galaxy crosses the Zodiac in two opposite points, Cancer & Capricorn, the tropical points in the sun’s course, called the Gates of the Sun. Through these gates, souls descend to Earth and re-ascend to Heaven.

“The Blazing Star in our Lodges represents Sirius, Anubis, or Mercury, Guardian and Guide of Souls.”

Cancer is the the Gate of Men because souls descended by it to the earth, and Capricorn, thr Gate of Gods, because by it souls re-ascended to their seats of the gods.

At the Summer Solstice, the canopy of heaven is at the hottest time (DOG DAYS of SUMMER) of the year with Sun in Leo combined with the Moon ruled by Cancer surrounded by the Seven Sisters (Pleiades) in Taurus and the Blazing Star Sirius illuminates Jacob’s Ladder.

As mentioned, the Blazing Star Sirius illuminates Jacob’s Ladder to HEAVEN.

Hence, H.P. Blavatsky calls Sirius “the great instructor of mankind (TRUMAN).”

Truman is scared to leave for ONE MAIN REASON: FEAR. In our world, FEAR is the NUMBER ONE TOOL used to control the MASSES.

Truman’s World can be seen as a direct analogy to the Allegory of Plato’s Cave. Truman is terrified to leave the CAVE and see the BEAUTY of the Real World.

Truman’s main fear, which has been programmed into him since childhood, is WATER.

Christof went as far to fake the death of Truman’s TV father, Kirk to give Truman aquaphobia in order to stop him from leaving. Little does Truman know his only escape is to cross the WATER, to cross the ABYSS of the Unknown.

Truman needs a SHIP to LEAVE the Land of Ignorance

Like Noah with his ARK, the Ship is NONE other than Argo Navis, the Constellation us represented as a Ship or Ark on Star Maps. Argo Navis is often Positioned below Sirius, “The Dog of the Sun”.

Astrologically this region in the sky has been known as the River of Stars.

The River of Stars is said to be the gateway to the ocean of higher consciousness. The Chinese recognized this area as the bridge between heaven and hell.

Sirius appears to be in pursuit of the Hare, the constellation Lepus under Argo Navis. Truman must follow the White Rabbit.

Truman finally faces his fear and sets out on the ocean in a SHIP. To Kabbalists, Truman’s escape symbolizes the soul’s journey of Teshuvah (returning to one’s true self). It reflects the process of breaking free from the illusion of the material world to reunite with the Divine.

The Sailing Boat is named the Santa Maria. In Italian, Portuguese, and Spanish, Santa Maria is a title for the Virgin Mary, which means “Holy Mary” or “Saint Mary”. Another nod at the Shekinah guiding Truman to Enlightment.

During Truman’s escape, Christoff almost kills him.

Even the show’s Co-Producer Moses says, “For God’s sake, Chris, the whole world is watching. We can’t let him die in front of a live audience.”

Christof callously says, “He was born in front of a live audience”

Christof, Moses & Santa Maria, the Biblical Implications are clear.

Yet, Truman soliders on through to his new LIFE. Until he reaches the end of the show’s SET (“The Ice Wall”), which is a Giant Dome, and REACHES a STAIR CASE, like the Soul ascending to Heaven through the Gate of the Gods which the Mason’s depict as the Winding Stairs.


Yet, Truman soliders on through to his new LIFE. Until he reaches the end of the show’s SET (“The Ice Wall”), which is a Giant Dome, and REACHES a STAIR CASE, like the Soul ascending to Heaven through the Gate of the Gods which the Mason’s depict as the Winding Stairs.

“Listen to me, Truman. There’s no more truth out there than there is in the world I created for you. The same lies. The same deceit. But in my world, you have nothing to fear. I know you better than you know yourself.”

But Truman replies, “You never had a camera in my head.”

TRUMAN refuses, walks up the STAIRCASE & EXITS thru the DOOR, leaving the manufactured Illusion. Truman is finally AWAKE, leaving Plato’s Cave.

This is not Truman’s Show, this is the True Man’s Show. We all must take the Hero’s Journey. To be truly FREE, we must go WITHIN.

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