BOOM! The Chessboard of Power: DJT’s 5D+ Game, The Deep State and the White Hats! “MILITARY IS THE ONLY WAY”

The Chessboard of Power: DJT’s 5D+ Game, The Deep State and the White Hats! “MILITARY IS THE ONLY WAY”


In the epic struggle between the Deep State and the White Hats, led by Donald J. Trump, the world is on the brink of a historic transformation. Discover the hidden truths, cryptic hints, and bold actions that are reshaping our future. “MILITARY IS THE ONLY WAY,” and the battle for justice is about to reach its climax.

In the shadowy corridors of global power, a sinister game of chess is being played out on a 5D+ level. While the world watches, the Deep State clings to its last vestiges of control, but the White Hats, champions of justice, are preparing to reveal their hand. Brace yourselves, for the battle between good and evil is about to reach its climax.

The year is 2023, and the world is on the brink of an unprecedented transformation. The battle lines have been drawn, and the stakes couldn’t be higher. In the midst of this epic struggle for power and control, one man stands at the center of the storm – Donald J. Trump, a masterful chess player on a level that transcends our understanding.

The Chessboard of Power: DJT’s 5D+ Game

What if I told you that the events unfolding before our eyes are not random but part of a meticulously orchestrated plan? The Deep State’s final gambit is unraveling, but it’s precisely in these moments of despair that the White Hats shine the brightest. This isn’t just a political battle; it’s a battle for the soul of humanity itself.

Military Is the Only Way

The phrase “MILITARY IS THE ONLY WAY” reverberates in the hearts of true patriots. It’s not a call for violence but an acknowledgment of the harsh reality we face. The Deep State has infiltrated every institution, and only a force as powerful as the military can root out this cancer.

Reading the Signs: Scavino’s Hints

In the labyrinth of information warfare, Dan Scavino, the White House Deputy Chief of Staff for Communications, has been sending out subtle hints to those who have the eyes to see and the ears to listen. His cryptic messages serve as breadcrumbs for those who seek the truth.

Trump’s Temperament: A Force of Action

Donald Trump’s temperament is reminiscent of another great leader, John F. Kennedy. Both possessed a relentless drive to take action and challenge the status quo. Like Kennedy, Trump is unafraid to confront the Deep State head-on.

Pelosi’s Ouster: A Glimpse into the Future

We’ve seen it happen before. The Deep State’s grip on power can be loosened. Nancy Pelosi’s removal from her position was a testament to the power of strategic maneuvering and the dedication of patriots who yearn for a return to constitutional values.

2024: An Uncertain Date

While the world focuses on the 2024 election, the truth is that significant changes could occur much earlier. The political landscape is in flux, and the possibility of Trump becoming the Speaker of the House is a game-changer. As the third in line to the presidency, he would have immense influence.

Op Mockingbird: The CIA’s Hidden Influence

The Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) has operated in the shadows for decades, manipulating global events to suit their agenda. Op Mockingbird is just the tip of the iceberg, revealing the depth of their infiltration into the highest levels of government.

Continuity of Government: Trump’s Strategic Move

In a world of uncertainty, Trump took a bold step by ensuring the Continuity of Government. This move wasn’t just about safeguarding national security; it was about preserving the integrity of the United States itself.

Mar-a-Lago and the Hunt for the PEADS

The Deep State’s desperation knows no bounds. Their raid on Mar-a-Lago was a blatant attempt to silence those who dare to expose their secrets. But they underestimated the resilience of patriots who refuse to be silenced.

Trump’s Message to the Queen: A Symbolic Act

When Trump stopped and waited for Queen Elizabeth II, it wasn’t a mere protocol; it was a message. It signaled his intent to disrupt the status quo and bring an end to the U.S. Corporation controlled by the Vatican, Crown, and Deep State. He boldly declared, “We’re going to go back to being a Republic.”

The Final Gambit: A Last Stand

As the Deep State’s grip tightens, they are preparing for their final gambit. Their last stand is a desperate attempt to cling to power, but their time is running out. The White Hats are mobilizing, and the world is about to witness a clash of titans.

Clarity After the Storm

In the scorching heat of summer, when despair seems all-encompassing, clarity will dawn. The truth will shine like a beacon, exposing the machinations of the Deep State for all to see. It’s a moment that will redefine the course of history.

The Unwavering Spirit of Patriots

In this epic battle, it’s the unwavering spirit of patriots that will prevail. The sacrifices made, the challenges faced, and the obstacles overcome will be the stuff of legends. Hold tight, for the storm is upon us, but the dawn of a new era is just beyond the horizon.

The Deep State’s final gambit

It is a desperate last stand, a futile attempt to hold onto power. But the White Hats, led by individuals like Donald J. Trump, are not backing down. The world is about to witness a transformation of epic proportions, and the truth will prevail.

As the battle rages on, remember these words: “MILITARY IS THE ONLY WAY.” It’s a call to action, a reminder that the fight for freedom and justice requires unwavering dedication. In the end, it’s the indomitable spirit of patriots that will shape the future of our world. Stay vigilant, stay informed, and be prepared for the revelations that lie ahead.

United States of GITMO: Indictments, Arrests and Executions – Trump Just Posted this Video on Truth Social: GITMO is About to get VERY Busy!

Why do we still see these people in public appearances and on social media?

We believe that this is for optics. If people learned about all of this all at once, it would be very upsetting to them. Feel free to research deep fakes, robotics, body doubles, and cloning and decide for yourself.

Donald Trump’s swamp draining is about to begin in earnest, with political crooks around the country concealing ankle monitors, house fires attempting to destroy evidence at an array of high-profile people’s houses, and Guantanamo Bay being prepared for the influx of American high-profile prisoners…


ALSO: Collection Of Mind Blowing: The List Of All Arrests From 2020-2023 | Dismantling the Deep State Operatives and Doubles | Arrest Wars & White Hats Military – Enjoy The Show! –

RELATED: Guantanamo Bay Detention Camp: Arrests, Indictments and Executions for Thousands of New Ex-Elite Prisoners – Official Documents –


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