America’s Largest Cities Have Truly Collapsed Into War Zones

America’s Largest Cities Have Truly Collapsed Into War Zones

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Crime rates are soaring all over the nation, and this is especially true in heavily populated urban areas.  The complete and utter lawlessness that we are witnessing has caused many pundits to describe our largest cities as “war zones”, and unfortunately that is not an exaggeration at all.  In fact, there are some zip codes in Chicago where young adult males are more likely to be shot and killed than U.S. soldiers were during the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq…

For some residents, Chicago is more dangerous than Afghanistan was for U.S. troops during the Iraq war, according to a study published in the Journal of the American Medicine Association.

The study found that young men are more likely to be shot and killed in ZIP codes with the most violence than American soldiers were in Afghanistan or Iraq.

Yes, things really have gotten that bad.

We have reached a point where it is literally safer to go to war than it is to go to the most dangerous parts of Chicago.

And for the worst zip codes in Chicago, the numbers are not even close…

Specifically, in Chicago’s 60624 ZIP code, the homicide rate for young men is more than 1,200 for every 100,000, and it’s not the only ZIP code with numbers like this.

The average annual deaths per 100,000 for American soldiers who were heavily engaged in combat numbered at 395 in Afghanistan and 330 in Iraq.

Sadly, the violence in Chicago just continues to intensify.

Crime was up 61 percent during the first four weeks of this year, and many Chicago residents are completely fed up with Mayor Lori Lightfoot…

It caused one Twitter user to say: ‘Since [Lightfoot]’s term began, Chicago has suffered 2,278 homicides and over 9,000 shot. Since January 1, the city has endured 41 homicides and 194 shot. Yet here Lightfoot is blissfully dancing and asking voters to return her to office. Lightfoot is detached from reality.’

In addition to rising crime – overall crime is up a shocking 61 percent in the first four weeks of 2023 from the same period last year – Lightfoot has overseen vacancy rates of nearly 30 percent after flagship stores on the Magnificent Mile bailed.

So is Chicago the worst major U.S. city for crime?

No, actually it is being reported that overall crime per capita is now even higher in Denver…

Crime statistics for Denver, Colorado’s capital city, are astounding. They now put the Mile High City at the very bottom of the safest cities ranking at Neighborhood Scout. Crime in Denver is now worse than that in New York City or Chicago.

Some statistics from the Denver Police Department: Aggravated assaults, robberies, and homicides, through mid-December 2022, numbered 6,810. Three years ago, that number was 4,924. Property crimes in 2019 were 26,133. In 2022, through mid-December: 42,100.

In Denver, the murder and assault rates are twice the national rates, and three times the national rate for rapes and robberies.

Denver was once such a nice place to live.

So what happened?

Unfortunately, it appears that illegal immigration is fueling much of the crime that is happening in the Mile High City, and every year it just gets even worse.

Earlier this week, an official from U.S. Customs and Border Protection admitted to Congress that he has “tremendous concern” about the vast numbers of “gotaways” that are constantly pouring into our communities…

A U.S. Customs and Border Protection chief patrol agent told lawmakers during a Tuesday Congressional hearing that he has “tremendous concern” that felons and terrorists are among the millions of “gotaways” crossing the southern border into the United States, the New York Post reported.

Tucson Sector Chief Patrol Agent John Modlin, who has been with the Border Patrol since 1995, explained that the law enforcement agency needs more resources to improve border security and handle the influx of migrants attempting to enter the country.

If people come into this country legally, they are likely to obey our laws once they are here.

But if people come into our country illegally, they are not likely to magically transform into law-abiding residents later on.

Of course illegal immigration is only part of the equation.  Violent crime rates are exploding all over the nation, and this includes cities that are very far from the southern border.

In Seattle, the number of homicides in 2022 was 24 percent higher than it was in 2021…

Seattle’s violent crime rate rose to its highest point in 15 years in 2022, with reported homicides surging by about 24% compared to 2021, according to the Seattle Police Department’s (SPD) Year-End Crime Report, more than a year after the city cut its police budget.

Property crime rates are also escalating dramatically.  For example, cargo theft has become an absolutely massive problem in the state of California…

California led the way with 417 reported cargo thefts in 2022, a 41% year-over-year increase, followed by Texas with 223 and Florida with 153.

CargoNet’s 2022 data showed the average value of cargo stolen in a theft was $214,104, a 20% increase compared to 2021.

Cargo theft hot spots are typically areas around major ports, as well as intermodal facilities, distribution centers and truck stops.

Needless to say, none of this should surprise any of us.

Moral decay has been eating away at the foundations of our society for decades, and that was inevitably going to lead to rampant social decay.

If we want to turn things around, one place to start would be our ridiculously pathetic system of public education.

Many young people are turning to crime these days because the public schools have simply not equipped them with the tools that they need to be successful in life.

According to test results that were just released, only 7 percent of all eighth graders in Baltimore City are proficient in math…

The Maryland State Department of Education recently released the 2022 state test results known as MCAP, Maryland Comprehensive Assessment Program.

Baltimore City’s math scores were the lowest in the state. Just 7 percent of third through eighth graders tested proficient in math, which means 93 percent could not do math at grade level.

What in the world are they teaching these kids?

And it turns out that not one single student was proficient in math at 23 of the schools…

Project Baltimore found, in 23 Baltimore City schools, there were zero students who tested proficient in math. Not a single student.

What kind of future do you think that most of those kids will have?

We have failed an entire generation of children, and most Americans don’t seem to care.

For years I have been writing about the relentless decline of our culture, but most people didn’t think that our cultural decline was a big deal.

Unfortunately, now our major cities are crime-ridden, drug-infested hellholes, and it is getting worse with each passing year.

Our society has become a giant mess because of the choices that we have made.

Wake up America, because time is running out.

Martial Law is Coming | Civil War is Coming to America

The world reels with the turmoil of Covid-19, Russo-Ukrainian war, geological disaster, and economic collapse, while Americans continue to submerge themselves in illusions “of safety and immunity”.

While rights are sold for security, the federal government, swollen with power, begins a systematic takeover of liberty in order to bring about a New World Order.

Fearmongering, terrorism, police state, martial law, war, arrest, internment, hunger, oppression, violence, resistance — these are the new terms by which Americans define their existence.

Neighbor is turned against neighbor as the value of the dollar plunges to zero, food supplies are depleted, and everyone is a terror suspect. There are arrests. Disappearances. Bio attacks. Public executions of those even suspected of dissent…

Read the full article HERE:

Also: Copy of FEMA-HOMELAND Blue, Red, Yellow and Black List – Are You on FEMA’S ‘KILL’ List? (video) –



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