ALERT !!! THE SHOCKING TRUTH EXPOSED !!! Ukraine War Unveiled: The CIA’s Nazi Network Targeting Russia(video)

The CIA’s Covert Empire: Undermining Russia Through Ukraine

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From the grotesque abyss of covert operations, for 70 years, the CIA has methodically worked to undermine and occupy Ukraine. Utilizing paramilitary forces, right-wing Nazi groups, corrupt politicians, and businessmen, the agency has relentlessly pursued a single goal: the downfall of Russia. This shadowy tale of espionage, betrayal, and economic plunder unveils the CIA’s sinister involvement in Ukraine, revealing a web of deceit that stretches back to the aftermath of World War II.

The geopolitical chessboard is marked by decades of covert operations and subversive tactics, orchestrated by none other than the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA). Doug Valentine’s book, The CIA As Organized Crime, peels back the layers of this clandestine organization’s dark history, focusing on its relentless quest to destabilize Russia by occupying and manipulating Ukraine. This narrative, shocking and apocalyptic, uncovers how the CIA has been the puppet master behind Ukraine’s turbulent history, driven by a strategy that involves recruiting Nazi operatives, corrupting politicians, and exploiting the country’s natural resources for American corporate greed.

From Hitler’s Henchmen to American Spies

After World War II, the world saw communism as the new enemy, and the Soviet Union became the primary target. The CIA, in its nascent stage, adopted a controversial strategy: hiring former Nazis. These individuals, once part of Hitler’s regime, were now repurposed to serve American interests. One notable figure was Reinhard Gehlen. He was a Nazi military intelligence officer who became the CIA’s main intelligence operator in Eastern Europe. Gehlen’s network of agents, initially established during the war, was reactivated under CIA orders, extending its reach into regions like East Berlin and Ukraine.

CIA and Fascist Sympathizers

Ukraine, with its significant population of fascist sympathizers, became a fertile ground for the CIA’s operations. Despite being adversaries during World War II, these Ukrainian fascists were transformed into assets for the CIA. For 70 years, since the agency’s inception in 1948, the CIA maintained a station in Ukraine, with operatives continuously working to undermine Soviet, and later Russian, influence. The CIA’s involvement in Ukraine was comprehensive, involving politicians, businessmen, and paramilitary groups, all geared towards destabilizing the region and countering Russian power.

Destabilizing Russia- The CIA’s Secret Army in Ukraine

The momentum built over 75 years resulted in the establishment of vast agent networks and sleeper cells, all aimed at destabilizing Russia. These networks have created a formidable barrier to any attempt at fostering positive relations between the West and Russia. NATO’s existence and its aggressive posture towards Russia are part of this larger strategy, with Ukraine at the forefront. The CIA’s operations in Ukraine are not just historical footnotes but are active, ongoing efforts to maintain and expand American influence.

The 2014 Coup- How the U.S. Controls Ukraine

The 2014 coup in Ukraine marked a significant escalation in the CIA’s efforts. A pro-Russian government was overthrown, replaced by a regime aligned with American interests. The CIA had long prepared for this moment, with security services and military personnel ready to support the new government. Private militias were formed to target and suppress pro-Russian individuals, echoing tactics used in other U.S.-occupied territories like South Vietnam.

With the new government in place, American businessmen, often with CIA backing, descended upon Ukraine like vultures. This predatory approach was exemplified by Joe Biden’s son(Hunter Biden) assuming a prominent role in a major Ukrainian oil company. The CIA facilitated this economic takeover, ensuring that American interests were prioritized. In Eastern Ukraine, rich in natural resources, the CIA’s efforts were particularly intense, with paramilitary groups and economic pressure. That is how they use to coerce compliance.

Blood Money: The CIA’s Role in Ukraine’s Economic Exploitation

Beneath the surface of geopolitical maneuvers lies a darker reality. The CIA’s operations involved blackmail, extortion, and terror to achieve their objectives. Key Ukrainian figures who resisted American influence found themselves targeted, not just politically but also personally and economically. This underworld of CIA activity ensured that resistance was futile and compliance was mandatory.

The result of decades of CIA manipulation is a Ukraine that remains in perpetual conflict. The government, supported and funded by the United States, functions as an occupation regime. Politicians, businessmen, and military figures who align with American interests are rewarded, while those who do not face dire consequences. The CIA’s influence permeates every level of Ukrainian society, ensuring that the country remains a pawn in the larger game of geopolitical strategy.

The Cold War Never Ended

CIA’s involvement in Ukraine is one of deceit, manipulation, and relentless pursuit of power. For 70 years, the agency has orchestrated a campaign to undermine and destabilize Russia, using Ukraine as its battleground. This narrative, woven with conspiracies, dramatic turns, and aggressive tactics, reveals the dark underbelly of American foreign policy. As the world continues to grapple with the fallout from these covert operations, the true extent of the CIA’s influence remains a chilling testament to the lengths to which it will go to maintain American dominance.

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